Discover your soul purpose assisted by the wisdom of the gemstone guardians. Pairing an archetypal career expression with a vibrationally matching crystal, mineral, or stone to provide insight into your unique path, each of these 44 cards offers a question for contemplative thought, a divine guidance message, and a positive affirmation. The accompanying booklet explains the soul purpose archetypes, how their attributes relate to choices in one’s life, and how the matching gemstone amplifies certain attributes further. You learn how to work with intention, focused attention, and the laws of manifestation to activate the courage and confidence to do your life’s work.
These cards help shine light on the path to your soul purpose and reveal the gemstone guardians as allies on the journey. Designed to spark your creativity, courage, and innate knowledge, they help empower you to step forward with confidence and realize your unlimited potential.
Pack Information: 44 Card Deck and 126 Page Guidebook
Card Dimensions: 8.9 x 12.7 cm